Challenging and transforming youth through LOVE

YES Leaders Rally Reflection

By: Kamal Hourani

There is no better way to describe the experience of our weekend in Pittsburgh than to embrace just how perfectly appropriate the word rally is for it. We gathered as the leaders of the YES program to build each other up, to reflect on our past experiences, to shape our vision of the organization’s future, and to sharpen our image of our individual role in that future.  And that was the true beauty of the rally: by engaging and discussing with each other, we were able to nourish ourselves and thus come to a better place to go back out and to continue to minister to the suffering of the world. Some of us were touched by the opportunity to fundraise for YES. Others were caught on fire by the passionate projects of a humble mayor’s wife in Braddock who is taking small-scale but major steps to fight poverty in her neighborhood. Others were incredibly moved by the life of Mother Teresa when we had the opportunity to watch a movie about her. A few were pulled aside to be inducted into the process of becoming full trip leaders.

The point of the rally was not to provide a predetermined experience for all of the leaders. Rather, we were given the time and space within which to examine the layers of our heart more deeply in order to better discern, understand and commit to our niche in the organization. More importantly, the rally did not occur in a void but was part of the ongoing and explosive growth YES is experiencing. We as leaders needed to rally together to help to fuel this growth. As we strive to do more trips than ever, to raise funds for bigger and better projects, to increase awareness of poverty and our ministry to it, we have to be ready to take on the tasks that will ensure YES’s success. May God bless and guide aright the work of our hands for the glory of His name.


What is a WORLD PARTY?

A WORLD PARTY is a beautiful way to bring all the people of a community together. In short, it is a gathering at a designated outdoor place in the city with heavy foot traffic and activity for a couple of hours in the afternoon.  Participants prepare signs with inspiring messages and uplifting gifts to give to anyone that walks by or joins the party.  It is a celebration of humanity and all walks of life, designed to create opportunities that break down societal and stereotypical walls, radiating joy to anyone and everyone.

In honor of the life and words of Saint (Mother) Teresa, “Love begins at home,” we want to create a nationwide celebration of her message: love and serve those most in need in your own home and city.

Can I host a World Party in my city?

YES!! You can host a World Party in YOUR CITY during National World Party Day!! Send an email to YES Leader, Laila Tokatli. Laila will provide you with everything you need to host your own party.

Where can I find a World Party on Oct 29th?

Visit our website for a list of World Parties happening all over the country. Each participant is asked to bring a donation of $10 to the party they attend.

Thank you for your support and prayers!