Become a YES Sower

“The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace.” – James 3:17-18

With your help, the YES Program has sown seeds of SELFLESS LOVE, SACRIFICIAL LIVING, and SERVANT LEADERSHIP in young people all over the country.

Join our new monthly donor group, the YES SOWERS. The beautiful reality of giving to YES is that every dollar given is a seed of Christ’s love sown in a person’s life.

When you give to YES, you are investing in…

  • The training and development of a trip leader who is equipped and entrusted with guiding young people through the YES experience.

  • The experience of a trip participant who is exposed to new realities and new perspectives that evolve into active love and service to the poverty in their own communities and in their own homes.

  • The needs of a person who lacks food and friendship.

YES SOWERS give gifts of $10-$100 a month. We ask you to prayerfully consider making a monthly commitment that will be a great investment in the lives of many!


YES invites you to participate in our BAG OF BLESSINGS project!  Join us in covering the country with love.

What is Bag of Blessings?

Do you often see people on the street who are homeless?  Having something to offer can be a great tool to connect and share fellowship with a person who usually gets passed by.

We will send you a tote bag to fill with gifts for someone in need, to help you create your own personal service project! This can be a family, parish, school, or a very personal project. It’s up to you!

How do I order bags?

It’s simple!  Email Katrina Bitar, Director of the YES Program, to order the number of bags you’d like and the mailing address you’d like them sent to:  Then, visit our website and donate $7 per bag by clicking on DONATE TO YES:

YES will then send you a bag/bags with suggested supplies to fill it with!  It can be a toiletry bag or a snack bag.  Once you have your bag ready, you can plan a time to go out and give it away, or you can keep it in your car and pray for an opportunity to present itself.

Thank you for joining us in blessing countless people all over the country!